Rakhi 2025 will be celebrated on Saturday, 9th August. This festival is also known as Rakhi Purnima as it falls on a full moon day in the holy month of Shravana. It is the celebration of the strong bond that exists between a brother and sister with a beautiful handcrafted 'Rakhi'. The rakhi thread symbolizes love, affection, care, respect, and adoration which the siblings hold in their hearts for each other.
The best time to perform the rituals of Raksha Bandhanis during Aparahanwhich falls later in the afternoon on the day of Raksha Bandhan as per the Hindu rituals. If this time in unavailable, then tying a rakhi during Pardosh time is the next best idea. It is also an ideal time to perform the Rakhi rituals on this festival.
The time of Bhadra must be avoided to tie the auspicious Rakhis on the wrist of the brothers on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan. It is considered as a malignant time that must be avoided to conduct any auspicious or holy work. Bhadra prevails in the first half of the Purnima day and therefore, people should wait for it to get over before indulging in Rakhi celebrations.